Old Time Storytime

Here are some more old items from around my house courtesy of my husband’s family. What stories spring to your mind? When my daughter was little, I used to regale her with a continuing saga every night. I suppose many writers do this with their kids. Ordinary items in...

How to Care About Everybody and Everything

Three cars back from the intersection in the left turn lane, I was trapped by the red light. On the median next to me, a young man looked as if he’d had the fright of his life. And perhaps he had. His sign said, “Need prayer. Single dad about to lose apt. Anything...

Mama Says #26

One Sunday, as I tried to call my mother, she didn’t answer. I dialed again. Still no answer. I text my brother, who shares her home, to make sure they are not out and about somewhere while I’m calling the land line. No response. Finally, my phone rings,...

Happy Birthday, Dear Daughter

Today is my daughter’s birthday! (This is where you clap and cheer.) She’s 22. I admit that as I write, we’re having a bit of a choppy morning. I don’t always swim so well in these waters of parenting young adults. We’ve had some raised...

Mama Says #25

When I visited my mother in Florida last summer, she threatened to move the recycling bin right next to the mailbox. Then she would let the mail carrier know to just put the delivery directly in the bin. More recently, my brother who shares her home told me that she...