by Olivia | Sep 17, 2012 | Lens on Life, Uncategorized
A few weeks ago my friend Pat died. I wrote a while ago about the beautiful decades-long friendship between Pat and Esther, whose children are married. At Pat’s funeral, twice I held Esther while she sobbed and said how much she was going to miss Pat. And she will....
by Olivia | Sep 14, 2012 | Mama Says, Uncategorized
My mom was telling about something that caught her eye while she was out shopping. Her response was, “It’s nice. I like it. I’ll have some.” Okay, so it’s not a flawless way to make purchasing decisions, especially if your budget boxes you in, but it made me think...
by Olivia | Sep 12, 2012 | Books in Process, Uncategorized
“Who is Annie Friesen?” you ask. I am happy to introduce you. Annie is the main character in the contemporary story line of my forthcoming book, Accidentally Amish. She’s smart. She’s determined. She’s self-reliant. She’s brave. She’s resourceful. And she is capable...
by Olivia | Sep 10, 2012 | Lens on Life, Uncategorized
When did you have your last physical, and did you get a little pink card? My physical was last December. I dutifully followed up with the blood work, and a couple of weeks later got a little pink card in the mail. For the first time in my life, my triglycerides were...
by Olivia | Sep 7, 2012 | Mama Says, Uncategorized
My mom lives in south Florida, on the Gulf side. So the first part of this week was of particular curiosity for me. Where would Isaac hit land? Would it be a hurricane? What was the weather forecast for my mother’s town? When I talked to her on the phone she said my...
by Olivia | Sep 5, 2012 | Books in Process, Uncategorized
Today we finish a summer series of guest posts. Welcome Kathleen Kovach, who also writes in partnership with Paula Moldenhauer. For the longest time in my early writing career, I claimed to be a seat-of-the-pants writer. That would be one who simply lets the story...