Meet Simon Tewell

Here’s an excerpt from THE INVENTION OF SARAH CUMMINGS, which releases September 15. Enjoy! She came back. Simon hoped he sufficiently concealed his relief when he looked up to see Sarah Cummings standing in his doorframe for the second Friday in a row. “I’m...

Confessions of a Mac Lover

First, in the interest of full disclosure, let me confess I am a Mac aficionado. In the mid- to late 80s, I was on a break from working in an office. I worked in a retail setting, began to think seriously about writing, and had a couple of kids. In 1992, I reentered...

Occipital What?

“You’ve had a headache for a month?” I’ve heard that a lot lately. I’m stubborn. I know it. Headaches are a long-time companion, actually. Usually a headache signals one of these things: • not enough fluids • not enough protein • not...

A Record Flat Tire Week

What’s your record for how many flat tires you’ve had in a week? Here’s how things have been at my house. On the car my son drives, one tire went flat a couple of times sitting in the driveway. So he finally went to the tire store and cashed in on a free patch. Now we...

Life is Beautiful

I’m sitting on a wide, glassed-in porch that circles much of the public library a half a mile from my home. Ostensibly the purpose of my presence here is to take me away from the distractions at home so I can focus on a story proposal. But the loveliness is a...