Reviews of Accidentally Amish

Wondering about Accidentally Amish? Did you like The Pursuit of Lucy Banning, but you’re not sure if Amish fiction is your cup of tea? Here’s a quick round-up of what some blogging readers are saying. They’ve been surprised at Amish with a new twist....

A Few Sights of Westciffe

Here are a few sights Annie Friesen might have seen when she first discovered Westcliffe, Colorado in Accidentally Amish. Can you picture Rufus walking these streets? Thank you for the many kind reviews and messages I’ve been receiving. It’s exciting for...

Where Do Stories Start?

Where do stories start? For me, stories begin with characters. As a writer, a character is likely to pop up in my brain first, then a setting. After that I need the elements of plot—an objective, obstacles, stakes that keep rising. As a reader, also, I tend to attach...

Why I Get an F in Reading

I get an F in reading. You probably do too. I read lots of books. And blogs. And magazines. And online articles. (Newspapers, not so much.) And I get an F. We’ve turned into a culture of scanners. We might read the first two or three lines of a piece of writing....

Brad the Cad and Other Such Bads

I am mired in edits and suggestions and tweaks and rewrites. I’m not complaining, mind you. All this work means books in process, and that is what I’m aiming for, after all. I’ve been going back and forth with one editor on changes to In Plain View,...

Of Cupcakes and Mops

It’s too bad I’m not better about celebrating. I’m one of those people who just does the next thing that needs doing. In May I released The Pursuit of Lucy Banning, the first in the Avenue of Dreams series. I think I mopped the kitchen floor that...