Today, September 3 Only

Just a quick note to let you know that in anticipation of the official release of The Invention of Sarah Cummings in a couple of weeks, the publisher is offering the first book in the Avenue of Dreams series free in e-book formats TODAY ONLY. You can get it for Nook...

Meet Brad Townsend (Sort Of)

Form your own opinion about Bradley Townsend from THE INVENTION OF SARAH CUMMINGS releasing September 15. “Mind your own business, Kenny.” A card unfolded in Sarah’s hands, and a small pin slipped into her palm. Still she scowled. “What’s...

Meet Simon Tewell

Here’s an excerpt from THE INVENTION OF SARAH CUMMINGS, which releases September 15. Enjoy! She came back. Simon hoped he sufficiently concealed his relief when he looked up to see Sarah Cummings standing in his doorframe for the second Friday in a row. “I’m...

My Summer Daze

The little sticky I use to mark the current page in the old-school written calendar that keeps me organized is about two weeks behind. Somehow I can’t bring myself to move it because it will mean that summer is getting away from me. Lately when I look up at the...