Summer Report

How’s your summer? Mine is busy. Sometimes I feel like this photo—living in a fog where I can’t see the next step ahead. But I’m also looking forward to the fog lifting and seeing what surprises are on the other side of the bridge. In the spirit of a...

Have You Been to Hidden Falls?

I had an awesome experience over the winter. I wrote a serialized novel, Season One of Hidden Falls, which released in 13 episodes. Find out more about it here. If you haven’t read it yet, the advantage is now you can download all the episodes and read straight...

Spring Scavenger Hunt Stop #9

Follow the clues to win a Kindle Fire HDX, free books and more! Welcome to the Spring Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt, which begins on April 4, 2014 at noon, Mountain Time, and ends on April 6 at midnight, Mountain Time. The hunt includes 33 stops that will introduce...

Spring Scavenger Hunt

Save the Date! Get  ready to romp through more than 30 author websites for a slew of prizes—including a Kindle and copies of all the books by the participating authors. Watch this site for more information.  ...

2014 Advance Review

I’m going to talk about 2014, but not because this is a post about a new year. I’m going to talk about why I might not show up here as much as I’d like for a while. If this is your first time dropping by my blog, I hope you’ll take a few...

Hidden Falls Now Available

December 28 was launch day! For the next several weeks, Episode 1 of my Hidden Falls serialized novel, is a free download. You can find it across e-book platforms, including Kindle, Nook, and Nicole returned to Hidden Falls for the banquet to honor...