Better Than a Silver Lining

“Every cloud has a silver lining.” I am not fond of that expression. It’s a little trite, as if a small thing that goes right somehow trumps the big things that go wrong. Don’t get me wrong. I can think of plenty of situations in my life when I...

What’s Your Story?

Everybody has a story. Childhood memories. A high school prank. College sweethearts. Broken bones. First jobs. First losses. Adventures. Disappointments. Risks. Failures. Recoveries. In the moment, it is easier to feel as if this story, this season is the main story....

At the Corner of Comfort and Easy Streets

I’m visiting at my sister’s for a couple of weeks. It’s a thousand miles from where I live on more than one level. The agenda for the trip is to help with the complex task of settling my mother into a new living situation. Until now, she has lived independently...

Booksigning Questions

Last weekend I had the opportunity to spread my wares at a library event in a town about two hours from where I live. I don’t have a lot of experience at library events as an author, but I am a big fan of public libraries. Some of my fondest childhood memories...

The Story Within the Story

I like to tell stories and often do in this spot on my blog—filed under “Lens on Life.” Small moments, routine events, a few words of conversation from the everyday can lift us from the ordinary to a surpassing wonder about this beautiful thing we call life. By...

To Series or Not to Series

Do you read past book 1? In the last year, I’ve had the privilege of rolling out the start of two different series, Avenue of Dreams and Valley of Choice. Ten months from now, both series will be complete. Out there. Out of my hands. Up to the readers to judge. The...

Can You Trust the Signs?

Recently an urgent, stressful family situation snatched me out of town abruptly and bumped me through several states. That trip backed right up against a planned business trip. I ended up being away from home for three straight weeks. Believe me, I was ready to go...

New Trailer for In Plain View

If you haven’t seen it yet, here is the trailer for In Plain View, the second in my Valley of Choice series. The new book comes out in June and is available for pre-order on various sites. A huge thank-you to so many readers of Accidentally Amish who have told...

A Christmas Carol for Eastertide

On the Monday after Easter, mothers wonder what they will do with all those dyed hardboiled eggs. Grandma, who gave the kids piles of chocolate, has gone home. And in many churches, pastors are relieved to have the extra work of Holy Week behind them and turn their...

In Morning’s Light

This is not the post I planned to write when I sketched out blog ideas recently. I intended to write about my heart’s connection to Holy Week, which begins this Palm Sunday morning. I was going to invite you to take my hand and step into the drama of Christ’s...