by Olivia | Jul 27, 2012 | Mama Says, Uncategorized
The older I get, the more easily I’ll just stop reading a book I’m not enjoying. Life is too short, and too many books are on the list. I’m not sure why my mom doesn’t do that, considering how much older she is than I am. But she expresses her...
by Olivia | Jul 25, 2012 | Books in Process, Uncategorized
We continue a summer series of guest posts by a variety of authors on writing challenges. Welcome Richard Mabry. I freely confess that I’m afraid of some things. For instance, although I served for three years in the Air Force, flew (as a passenger) countless hours,...
by Olivia | Jul 22, 2012 | Books in Process, Lens on Life, Uncategorized
The beaming woman in this picture is my sister. And what’s not to beam about? She is holding Eloise, her first grandchild, and Elsa, the second grandchild of our eldest brother. These two beauties were born about three weeks apart last summer. A few weeks later...
by Olivia | Jul 20, 2012 | Mama Says, Uncategorized
I remember the four-year-old girl in children’s church in 1984 who was not following instructions or behaving in a remotely socially appropriate way. When I asked her to do something I thought might help her settle down, she glared at me and said,...
by Olivia | Jul 18, 2012 | Books in Process, Uncategorized
This post continues a summer series of guest posts by a variety of authors. Welcome Cynthia Ruchti. I’m not fond of snakes. What’s that fancy word that means grossly under-exaggerated? I’m not fond of them, but I do have a new perspective. Some of them eat mice and...