Free! The Pursuit of Lucy Banning

The Pursuit of Lucy Banning, the first in the Avenue of Dreams series, is free in ebook formats for a few weeks. If you haven’t read the series yet, here’s your chance. Happy reading! Kindle Nook...

Summer Report

How’s your summer? Mine is busy. Sometimes I feel like this photo—living in a fog where I can’t see the next step ahead. But I’m also looking forward to the fog lifting and seeing what surprises are on the other side of the bridge. In the spirit of a...

Lessons from Word

If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a Word document that originated with someone else, you know that sometimes the formatting can be wonky. Because of the nature of a project I’m part of, this has been happening to me quite a bit lately. Extra line...

From Sun to Storm and Back Again

On a recent Saturday, I worked in the yard for a while, listening to an audiobook to distract me from how much I dislike it. I enjoy being outdoors and love the sun. I am less fond of the actual work of trying to control a bazillion weeds every summer. But I was doing...

Meet the Author, Meet the Mother

A few weeks ago I traveled to Illinois to visit my mother, who has been living in an assisted living community for the last year. Believe me, you can spend all day moving from one scheduled activity to another. Wii bowling. Dog visitors. Musical entertainers. Card...