Mama Says #32

Somehow we got to talking about dogs. My mom remarked on a purebred dog she had seen in the neighborhood that she thought was striking. And then she turned her attention to the mutt in her lap, adorable in his own way. She said, “When I got him, he was on his way to …...

Upcoming Events!

If you’re in the Denver area, I will be signing copies of The Pursuit of Lucy Banning at the LifeWay store in Centennial, Colorado on Saturday, May 19 from 1:00–3:00. If you’re in the Chicago area, I will be at the Glessner House and Museum (scroll down on the Events...

4 Authors, 4 Books, 1 Epic Event

Tomorrow night is the big night! Last Thursday evening, Katie Ganshert, Beth Vogt, Dani Pettrey and I gathered cyberly with Rel Mollet of RelzReviews on her brand spankin’ new website. We tried out all the pieces of our four-way launch party. Which is tomorrow...

Mama Says #31

My mom has been a great companion on my journey to publishing fiction. She’ll listen to me prattle on about every phase and never once say, “You know, I’m not all that interested in the details.” A few weeks ago I was talking to her about the somewhat angst-filled...

Celebrating My Book Launch

This is the place to be on May 15, 6:30-9:00 CST. So proud to be part of an internet launch like this one! Hop over to and save your spot.  You are cordially invited to: The Debutantes’ Story Soiree Put on your white gloves and your dancing...

Surgeries That Changed My Life, Part 4

Ten years ago. One month, three surgeries. The first surgery was planned, carefully scheduled for my husband to recover in time to enjoy a robust family vacation. This surgery was meant to solve, once and for all, some issues that had plagued my husband for 35 years....