Monday Morning Turbulence

Every Monday at 8:30 in the morning I show up for torture. Some of you know what I’m talking about. Those classes at the gym where the instructors actually expect you to put yourself into your workout. My torture of choice these days is water aerobics. Some people...

Book Table

If you click here, you’ll go to my new Book Table on the website. (Or if you’re on right now, look for the Book Table tab on the right hand side of the blog). You’ll find all my books listed here, including two that are yet to...

“It’s All Your Fault.”

Two people at church last Sunday marched up to me after worship and said, “It’s all your fault.” Separately. My goodness. My typical response is to grimace and say, “I know. Everything is usually my fault.” What did I do this time?...

5 Tips for Living an Impaired Life

Ack. I just had new author photos taken. I haven’t seen them yet even in the raw, but I am putting a lot of faith in the photographer’s Photoshop skills for the final product. When they’re ready, I’ll have to let you see at least one of them....

5 Reasons to Plant Flowers

Most years I have a love-hate relationship with my yard. A couple of weeks ago a friend dropped by my house to pick up something. We stood in my front yard chatting. She noticed some things that were growing well, and I countered by pointing out one flower bed that...