Installment 5: The Corner Trumpet

SourceURL:file://localhost/Users/haymiller/Documents/BOOKS%20OLIVIA%20NEWPORT/BLOG-SITE/The%20Corner%20Trumpet/Installment%205%20(9:10)%20Jan%202.doc Nine The jangling phone jolted him to consciousness. Nate. “Hello.” “Bill, I’m at the hospital.” Mindy’s strained...

Better with Friends

Friends enrich our lives, plain and simple. Whatever journey we’re on, it’s better with friends. Friends who mourn when we mourn, rejoice when we rejoice. Friends who want to hear the whole story. Friends who come alongside and make things easier. The...

The Envelope, Please

On the evening of the first Monday of every month, you will find me with some of the most stupendous people I could ever hope to meet. Book group! And we actually read the books. Granted, not everybody reads every book. Life happens. But we’re not one of those...

Installment 4: The Corner Trumpet

Seven By the time Bill got back to Front Street, the hazy sky had deteriorated into a downright gloomy vision. Thunderstorms were on the way, no question about it. Southern storms were a sight to behold. In Colorado, storms would roll in and push out in a matter of...

Presents and Presence

Anybody else fumbling with the calendar, trying to figure out which page to be on? December 31. Wow. I could write about the past year, which has been exciting for me as a new novelist. A lot has happened with book releases in May, October and early copies of a...

Buy Now at Your Favorite Online Retailer

CHECK HERE FOR LINKS TO PURCHASE OLIVIA NEWPORT BOOKS. Titles are listed by series. Avenue of Dreams series Order: The Pursuit of Lucy Banning Publisher (Revell) Barnes and Noble Amazon Family Christian Stores Mardel Booksmillion   Order: The...

Installment 3: The Corner Trumpet

Five After such an early breakfast, the day yawned ahead of Bill. He had two days and two nights before he had to drive back to Memphis, turn in the car at the airport and catch his flight to Cleveland to try to sell band instruments. Or he could go back to Memphis...

But you, O Bethlehem

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” —Micah...