What Does That Pink Card Mean?

When did you have your last physical, and did you get a little pink card? My physical was last December. I dutifully followed up with the blood work, and a couple of weeks later got a little pink card in the mail. For the first time in my life, my triglycerides were...

Mama Says #48

My mom lives in south Florida, on the Gulf side. So the first part of this week was of particular curiosity for me. Where would Isaac hit land? Would it be a hurricane? What was the weather forecast for my mother’s town? When I talked to her on the phone she said my...

No Longer Writing in a Flood Zone

Today we finish a summer series of guest posts. Welcome Kathleen Kovach, who also writes in partnership with Paula Moldenhauer. For the longest time in my early writing career, I claimed to be a seat-of-the-pants writer. That would be one who simply lets the story...

How Many Days Till Release?

Less than a month till the October 1 release day of Accidentally Amish! When I first start writing a book, whether under contract or not, I get consumed in plotting and dialogue and motivation. It can be hard to lift my eyes and see what will happen down the road. And...

Who Works on Labor Day?

The traditional end of summer and the beginning of fall in the U.S. One last camping trip. One last backyard barbeque. Hallelujah, a three-day weekend! Every year I hear a variety of jokes about Labor Day. Mothers will say, “Let me tell you about a real Labor Day.”...