Withness and Waiting

Are you a mall rat? I’m not. Sooo not. A writer friend and I often sit across from each other on Saturday mornings at a local coffee shop. We talk some, but not a lot. We write. A few weeks ago she said she was not going to make it on Saturday because she had...

Why Advent?

Twenty-five years ago, my son was born on the first Sunday of Advent. Five days late, mind you. (I certainly minded.) As my due date came and went, and Advent approached, waiting took on a whole new meaning. Thinking that any minute now my son would come squalling...

What I Love About My Son

Of course I love many things about my son! Okay, sometimes he makes me a little crazy, but he has brought great joy to my life. And I’ve learned a few things from him. (Nope. I’m not going to tell you all the lacrosse trivia I’ve learned.) My son...

Talking with Suzanne Woods Fisher

Heads up! On Thursday, November 29, I will be the guest of Suzanne Woods Fisher on her live internet radio program, Amish Wisdom. I’d love to have you listening in between 4:00 and 4:30 Central Time as we talk about my book, Accidentally Amish. Catch us at...