4 Lessons from First Grade

School was serious business. From circle time in kindergarten to graduating college magna cum laude with a double major, if I was a student, then I was a student! But one of the longest lasting lessons came from a day I missed school. Perhaps I had missed a day of...

When Mountains Speak

Saturdays are bear down days. During the week, I have a full-time job, so Saturdays are get-serious-about-writing-even-if-you-don’t-feel-like-it days. Being a creature of habit helps tremendously with this. If I stay home, though, it’s easy to be...

Work to Rest Ratios

Last weekend, when I went to bed on Friday night, I opted not to set an alarm for Saturday morning. This is usually a safe bet, since while I don’t get up at the crack of dawn, I do not have the gift of sleeping long and late. It’s not a big stretch to...

Have You Been to Hidden Falls?

I had an awesome experience over the winter. I wrote a serialized novel, Season One of Hidden Falls, which released in 13 episodes. Find out more about it here. If you haven’t read it yet, the advantage is now you can download all the episodes and read straight...

Hearing Hope

“He is risen.” “He is risen indeed!” On Easter morning, Christians around the world heard the triumphant announcement and responded with well-trained words of hope. In church, I heard a sermon in which the pastor dropped in “He is...

3 Reflections on Suffering

I’m back after a break in blogging the last few months while I was writing Hidden Falls at breakneck speed. While all along I intended to return around this time, I’m finding it a tender time to jump back in. Holy Week began yesterday. Most years it is a...