Two weeks ago I got one advance copy of The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow. Last week I got my box of author copies.
It’s a fun moment.
I’ve had this wondrous experience first with The Pursuit of Lucy Banning and then with Accidentally Amish. And now this latest book.
Thrilling, I tell you. Thrilling.
But even more delightful is forgetting the list of people I turned in to the publisher, months and months ago, to receive influencer copies and then hearing from giddy early readers by email, text, Twitter and Facebook that the books began turning up in people’s mailboxes.
That means books could start showing on store shelves any day now. If you find a copy of The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow in a store, I hope you will let me know! (You can already pre-order at your favorite online book vendor.)
If you’re new to my blog or to my books, let me just remind you that Charlotte’s story is the second in the Avenue of Dreams series. The made her first appearance in The Pursuit of Lucy Banning. Now, in her own book, you’ll discover the circumstances that took Charlotte to Prairie Avenue in the first place. So if you haven’t ready Lucy’s story, you can still catch up.