I’m continuing my week of celebrating the June 1 release of In Plain View by giving away a book every day.
This is the second day of celebration week, so I’m giving away a copy of my second novel–which also happens to be the first book in the Valley of Choice series that In Plain View continues.
To enter, answer this question in the comments:
• How do decide which modern gadgets enrich your life and which ones distract you from really living deeply?
P.S. Accidentally Amish, the first in the series, is available in e-book formats for just $2.99 through the end of this month!
Good question! In a world where the Internet is so used, sometimes it is easy to over-do the screen time. For me, I have to ask myself if the time I spend doing whatever I do on the computer- blogging, social media, etc- will benefit me later on and if it is the best use of my time. Is there something else I would rather or should be doing instead of emptying my time on the computer? I have been trying to conserve screen time to make time for the stuff that matters most, like the Lord and my family, and the Lord has taught me lots in the process of cutting back. Thanks for the giveaway!
Computers can be a blessing sometimes. Make things easier. I found my grandmother’s Irish family recently using the computer. But the computer is also a huge distraction. Its starting to get scary. What are my children going to have when they start school? Are they even going to learn How to write their letters or just point them out on a screen? Sometimes I Think we would be better without the computers.
If I don’t have room for it in my house! it goes- I’m in process of moving and this question comes up about every 15 minutes.
That is a hard one! I think that cellphones distract… We text and have less face to face conversations and meaningful interections!
That is a very hard decision to make. I use my “gadgets” but limit their usage to enable me to spend more time with my family & friends. I still write letters by hand, limit time on the computer and tv, use my cell phone sparingly and try to communicate in person whenever possible.
I like gadgets which help us communicate. I am less enamored with those which are “one way”, which supposedly entertain, but really numb and cause us to want more stuff… Like tv.
I try to look at what I use it for. If it enriches my life in some way — makes something easier, or a good thing more frequent, then it’s a definite keeper! But if it I tend to use it only to relax and I find myself “relaxing” a lot, then it’s a distraction and I need to put strict time limits on it or get rid of it completely.
If a modern gadget distracts from what is really important….is too noisy, takes time away from other things that should be done or people we should spend time with, etc……it is not truly enriching our life!
Thanks for all the great comments. We have a winner!
amyc, congratulations.
I know I spend too much time on the internet – surfing, blogging, and being a bit social on FB, etc. I am so thankful I did not have this to clutter my life when I was raising my children. I don’t know how I would have managed. The laundry HAD to be done. The food HAD to be cooked. The house HAD to be clean. There was absolutely no ME time.