Every day this week I am giving away a different book, all to celebrate Saturday’s official release of In Plain View.
Since this is Day 4 of my celebration week, I am giving away my fourth novel–In Plain View, the second book in the Valley of Choice series.
This is the book that all the fuss is about. Answer today’s question in the comments to enter the drawing.
Here’s today’s question:
• What is one principle you try to use to make life-forming decisions?
P.S. This series has one more book. Taken for English will release in February 2014.
Anytime I ever make a decision either big or small, I always try to seek the Lord’s will. After all, He knows the best for me when I think I do, but really don’t.
It’s all about God. When I face a life-forming decision, I try to go back to questions that will center me on God’s choice, questions like: Is any choice clearly not in line with the BIble or God’s character? Is any choice not in line with where God has been leading me (not that this always means it’s the wrong choice)?
There are many things that I consider before making a decision. Is is something that I need or I want? What or the pros and cons? I pray about it. If it is God’s will then it will happen.
God is the supreme decision maker in my daily life.
All good comments… Prayer plus cost/benefit analysis. But I also have to go with my gut. If one alternative makes my stomach clench, it’s not right for me.
Of course I pray about it , but I always kind of know in my heart what is best and I try and say in 5 years down the road is this really what I want?
Thanks for all the great reflections on making decisions. The winner of the copy of IN PLAIN VIEW is Maggie. Congratulations.