Recently one of my best friends took a road trip with her dear daughter to the college lucky enough to recruit this brilliant girl. It was a quick trip there and back in a couple of days, about an eight-hour drive in each direction. They took The Pursuit of Lucy Banning along, and I started getting text messages.
TH: DD is reading your book aloud as we drive to Nebraska. A very cool deal!!!!
Me: Way cool. 2 for 1 readership.
TH: We are hoteling it for the night in North Platte, so should be able to pick up from chapter 14 tomorrow. We can’t wait to find out who is stealing from Mr. Banning. We think it’s Daniel.
Me: No spoilers here.
TH: DD and I think we would both be friends with Lucy.
Me: I’d like to think I’d be her friend too.
TH: Discussing over lunch what we think and hope will be happing next!!
TH and her daughter got home that night just in time for TH to come to church and lead a women’s Bible study group—without quite finishing the book. DD had it all planned out. When her mom got home from church, she would read aloud at the table while TH ate.
They still didn’t quite make it to the end. But the next day:
TH: Chapter 35!!!!!
Me: El fin at last.
TH: That was a wonderful book, my friend! And I am so glad to have enjoyed it with my daughter.
Me: Charlotte’s story will be out just in time for Christmas break.
TH: I like to think about the special treat it will be to read aloud Charlotte’s story when my little girl comes home for her first Christmas break.
Of course this was fun for me! And it’s a perfect story for highlighting that Lucy’s story will soon be available in an audio format from Oasis Audio. So if you’re taking a road trip across Nebraska or across pretty much anywhere, maybe Lucy and Charlotte can help you pass a few hours.
• Have you ever read a book aloud on a road trip? What memories do you have of this?